No Regular Meeting


    District 8 Convention, Feb. 8, at Valley #58, beginning at 9AM

Select High School Boys for Nebraska Boys State

American Legion District 8 Leap Year Dinner, Papillion #32, 4-8PM



Legion Birthday Dinner, March 8, 1PM

Scholarship Applications due

Jr Law and Boys State Applications due in State Dept by March 15th



Legion Pancake Feed and Auxiliary Bake Sale-April 4th, 7AM-12:00 Noon

Jr Law Orientation at Ralston #373, April 19th



Memorial Day Services at Flower Hill, German and Prairie View Cemeteries

Lunch for Legion Members following the services at the Legion Hall



Nebraska Boys State held in Lincoln May 31-June 6th

Begin signing up for Fireworks Sales

Elect Officers for Legion Post #266

Bennington Daze Parade

Set up Fireworks-start selling on June 24th

 Nebraska Department Convention, June 22-25

Jr Law-22d-25th in Grand Island at the Nebraska Law Enforcement



  No Regular Meeting

  Finish selling Fireworks-July 4th

  Take Fireworks Inventory



Start Renewing Memberships

 National Convention





District Fall Roundup

Nebraska’s portion of Highway 20 the “Nebraska Medal of Honor Highway”.

Governor Ricketts formally signed the paperwork to make Nebraska’s portion of Highway 20 the “Nebraska Medal of Honor Highway. 1-31-20

There was a great turnout at Veterans Legislative Day this morning and a lot of wonderful information on this year’s veteran and military-related legislation, our priorities in growing Nebraska, and how veterans and their family members can stay involved.



Military Family Scholarship

The attorneys at Berry Law have the utmost respect for the sacrifices made by America’s Veterans and their families in the service of the country. We have long fought for the legal rights of Veterans, and we recognize the critical role that their families play in supporting the mission from home, both during and after service. Which is why we are proud to announce The Military Family Scholarship.

Berry Law Firm 

The Military Family Scholarship

Deadline: January 31, 2020

Award: $1,000 

For more details about this scholarship, please visit our scholarship page.

Legislative Update

Click here to view our Legislative Tracker (last updated 1/24/2020). 

The Legislature is adjourned until Monday, January 27th, at 9:00 a.m. 

For information on the 2020 session, including calendar, committees, senator list, and more, please visit

LB 153 Update

Today, LB 153 passed Select File. The next step is Final Reading, where the bill is read in full and voted on last time on. If it passes that round, it heads to the Governor’s desk for signing. If you haven’t reached out to your senator yet, please do to let them know to continue their support for this important step forward. Click here to find your senator.
General File: Check. Select File: Check. Final Reading: TBD.

Veterans Legislative Day

The annual Veterans Legislative Day is coming up next Friday, January 31st. Learn about veteran-related legislation and how to get involved and hear from speakers such as Governor Ricketts, NDVA Director Hilgert, and Nebraska senators. 

Veterans Legislative Day Flyer