The Bennington American Legion Post was established as Erickson Post #266 on June 8, 1920 with 19 names on the Charter.  The Post remained active through the 1920’s, but shortly thereafter, it nearly fell apart.  With WWII and Pearl Harbor, new interest in the organization became apparent.  On October 25, 1946 an organization meeting was held in the building where the Post still calls home.  At this time, the name was changed to Bennington Post #266.  (Now American Legion Post #266.)

The new Charter was granted on December 26, 1946 in Indiana and forwarded to Bennington on January 15, 1947.  The first big project was to establish Hickey Field with lights.  This allowed Bennington to have and host evening games.  The Post still finances and follows Legion Baseball.  Several trophies and honors have been earned over the years.

The Post provides trips to Boys State and Junior Law.  Scholarships are now awarded annually.  Funds are provided for various projects in the community. 

American Legion Post #266 now provides Memorial Day Services at three local cemetery’s honoring 200 local area Veterans.